Master the SAT Setup…Master the SAT

Sat Setup

The SAT is more than 100 years old and has been studied to the point that it’s become almost a science. It’s also perhaps the most important exam a high school student will take, having far-reaching impact on one’s life. It would be unwise to not fully prepare for something so important, and even basic understanding and casual knowledge from free SAT prep can have a big impact on test scores. The SAT is split into three sections: critical reading, mathematics and writing.

Critical Reading
Split into three sections: two 25-minute and one 20-minute, with questions about reading packages and sentence completions. In there are a total 19 sentence completion questions and 40 reading comprehension questions. What some aren’t aware of us the fact that question sets tend to become more difficult as the test progresses, therefore be sure to allot time to later questions. While reading the sections, don’t worry about memorizing details and focus on the first and last sentence of a paragraph. As a rule, skip questions you deem difficult and come back to them later; leaving a question you aren’t sure of blank isn’t as bad as not having a chance on questions you might have gotten.

The math required for the exam isn’t so advanced, but it must be done quickly and with clear thinking. The time frame, two 25-minute sections and one 20-minute, is the biggest problem for most students. Working efficiently is key: answer easy questions first and come back to hard ones. Easy questions usually precede hard ones. Practice will help with working efficiently – the test doesn’t repeat questions from exam to exam, but you will recognize the types of questions asked. Over time you will improve at those types.

The essay is quite standard, but basics can be forgotten when writing a rushed essay. Throwing in some big words is said to really help. Write neatly and use as much space as you can without going over. It’s a fine line, but don’t ramble as well – you won’t get another sheet of paper. Basic essay structure applies: introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Don’t waste time worrying about whether your examples are perfect, but do be sure your examples support your thesis.


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