Making Your Last Semester Of High School Count

Online Sat Prep

Many students look at the last semester of their senior year as a time to slack off a bit and have some fun. They have probably already been accepted to their favorite college or university and think that they can sit back and relax. The problem is that there are many colleges that look at the final transcript and can revoke admissions. In order to make your last semester of high school count, there are a few things that you can do.

Keep attending school. While it might be enticing to ditch school with your friends, it is important that you are still at school each day. You may feel burned out and think that because you were already admitted to college that you are set for life. The reality is that it is important that you attend school and get good grades on your final report card. Not only will this look good for college, but it will help you to prepare for college. If you start ditching school, you will not have the same level of commitment as you begin college and your first year could really suffer because of it.

Take another SAT test. While you might not want to spend your last months of high school taking tests and working on SAT test prep courses, it could end up benefiting you in the end. If you can improve on your SAT score and resubmit it to a college or university that you really want to go to, you may be able to get in after all. If not, at least you can say that you tried. Not only could it help you get into the college of your choice, but it could also keep your mind fresh and alert. If you do not want to take the test again, it could benefit you to go through an online SAT prep course just to get you prepared for your first year at college.

Be mature. There are some high school seniors that view their last few months of school as a time to do something wild and crazy. This will often get students into trouble and will jeopardize their admission to college. Just because a college accepted you does not mean that they will not revoke it if you do something that makes you miss the mark. If you think you are going to pull a “senior prank” and it lands you in jail, you can pretty much just kiss your college days goodbye.

Some students view their first three and a half years of high school as the only months that actually matter. In reality, it all matters. This is why it is important that you endure to the end and continue to do the very best that you can all throughout high school and until graduation day. By making those last few months of your senior year really count, you could get into a better college and will be better prepared for your new college life ahead.

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