Admissions Interviews

A college admissions interview can be an intimidating part of the college application process. Most students will be able to relax and do their best when they realize that an interview is just one part of your complete package and just as much about giving you a chance to ask questions as it will be about the college asking questions to you.

Preparing for the Interview
Before the interview, be sure that you know a little about the school so that you can sound well-informed and ask the right questions. Come with a few questions already in your head so you will have something ready when the admissions officer asks if you have any questions for him or her.

You will want to make a good impression from the very second you walk into the interview and that begins with being properly dressed, business casual attire will be right for most admissions interviews. Have a few copies of your resume on hand, as well as a notepad and pen in case you need to write anything down. When you meet the interviewer, be polite and professional, a good handshake will get things off to a good start.

Answering Questions
Be courteous and engaging when you answer questions and try to make eye contact with your interviewer. You can be funny and personable in the interview, this is a chance to show the college admissions office what sets you apart from other applicants. Use your responses to highlight your strengths and offer them insights into your academic record, interests, and best qualities that may not be evident from your written application. This is not the time for modesty, be sure to emphasize your successes and show them what you would bring to their school. Be sure to think through your answers and avoid “umms”, “likes”, and other filler words that can creep into conversation when you’re nervous.

After the Interview
Send a thank you note to the person with whom you interviewed. This is another chance to get your name in front of him or her and be sure you have made the best impression possible. If you think of questions later, don’t hesitate to contact that person again if they have said that they will be available to you throughout the process. Well thought-out questions will show your interest in the school and that you have done your homework.

A college admissions interview is a great opportunity to meet with someone from each of your top schools in a one-on-one setting. Learn the basics and you’ll be sure to make a great impression.

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